Meyer Music has partnered with Hal Leonard Publishing to provide musicians with the ability to purchase sheet music online to print at home or view on a tablet. Search thousands of arrangements for every genre, instrument, and skill level.
In Store
As school music specialists, our focus is supporting the student musicians in band and orchestra programs. We offer sheet music for band and orchestra instruments.
We stock methods and literature, every classroom method used by area band and orchestra teachers, as well as instrumental methods recommended by private teachers in Michigan for band and orchestra instruments.
Our collection of instrumental solo folios for festival use is one of the most comprehensive in the area.
Also included are:
- Popular folios, artist folios, movie folios
- Pop eras and categories, genres
- Jazz personalities and styles
- Music for weddings and special occasions
- Holiday music in season
We are pleased to recommend the works of Helen Marlais as a resource for piano teachers: