Return Privileges. You may return the instrument at any time without penalty.
Exchange Privileges. You may exchange the instrument for an instrument of larger size or higher level at any time with all credit transferring. The rental fee changes to the current rate for the new instrument. Exchanges will be considered extensions of the previous rental agreement.
Maintenance and Repair. Any needed repair, maintenance, and service will be provided to keep the instrument in good playing condition. Any adjustments and repairs must be made by Meyer Music. Coverage does not include expendable accessories such as rosin, shoulder rests, and damage done by unskilled persons attempting repairs. Instruments do not qualify for service or protection unless payments are current.
Replacement. If the instrument is accidentally damaged beyond satisfactory repair, it will be replaced with another one. In case of loss by fire or forced entry theft, a police report must be filed within 48 hours. You must provide us with an actual copy of the police report at your expense and pay a deductible of $50 for violin/viola, $100 for cello/bass. Upon receipt of police report and deductible, a replacement instrument will be furnished to you.
Purchase Options. When ready, you may select one the following options with your accumulated credit.
- Purchase of your current full-size instrument may occur when rental payments equal the instrument’s list price.
- Discount for early purchase is available anytime during lease/purchase of a full-size instrument.
- Transfer of 50% of your credit towards the purchase of a different instrument kind or non-rentable instrument.
COUPON BOOK. For any customer that elects to use a coupon book, a $1.00 processing fee is added per month. A customer can opt out of this fee by switching to autopay at any time.
Late Charge Notice. There is a $3.00 late charge on any payment that is more than five days late.
Default Notice. If a monthly payment is not made, or if the instrument is not returned to Meyer Music within ten (10) days following the due date of a payment, Meyer Music may assume that the customer no longer wishes to continue the lease agreement, and may reclaim the instrument wherever found, at school or elsewhere, with or without knowledge of the leasee. Meyer Music may assess a reasonable value for an unrecoverable instrument and you shall be liable for that assessed amount. Should legal action be necessary, customer agrees to pay legal fees.
No Refund Of Rent Or Credit. These payments are nonrefundable. If instrument is returned, credit is considered a “use fee” for rental of the instrument. If price of instrument purchased is less than accumulated credit, there is no refund of excess lease credit. Seller’s interest may be assigned to another company, agent, or collection agency. Assignee will have all rights but no obligations of Meyer Music under this agreement.
Exchange of Full-Size Instrument within Same Level or to Lower Level. If a student instrument of same kind (ex. violin to violin) is exchanged for a student instrument of the same full-size level half of accumulated credit may transfer. The rental fee changes to the current rate for the new instrument.
Early Return of Instrument Following Annual Rental. If an instrument is returned during an annual rental, a refund will be given. The refund will be based on the standard monthly rate. The value of the refund will be the amount paid less the number of months rented at the cost of a standard monthly rental.