

Beginner Student Trumpets

Starting a musical journey with a reliable, quality trumpet is the key to a successful experience. Meyer Music offers brand-name student level trumpets as rent-to-own, matching teacher preferences with accessories included.

Step-Up Trumpets

As a player progresses, their instrument should match their growing skills. A student level trumpet is a great way to start a musical journey and a Step-Up trumpet will take a player even further.

Meyer Music offers an array of high-end trumpet brands, including Yamaha, Bach, B & S, Cannonball, Eastman, and Jupiter.  As Michigan’s only Shokunin Yamaha dealer, their premier level, we also provide access to a wide range of advanced Yamaha options.

What is the difference?

Student Trumpets are made of metals designed for affordability and durability, such as stainless steel pistons.

Step-Up Trumpets are available in silver plating for a brighter sound and are made of higher-grade materials, such as monel pistons for durability and nickel silver slides for smoother operation.

Student Trumpets are typically made with a machine-drawn, two-piece bell, making the trumpet more affordable.

Step-Up Trumpets may feature a one-piece, hand-hammered bell with fewer seams which creates better resonance.

Experience the Sound

When your student would like to hear what the next level of trumpet sounds like:

Visit a Meyer Location
  • We offer intermediate-level trumpets at all of our locations and our staff would be delighted to help your student try them out.
  • While no appointment is needed, feel free to let us know you’re planning to come in and we’ll ensure everything is ready for your visit.
  • For upper-level advancing students we also offer consultations during which we can answer your questions, guide you through test-playing, and advise on the technical elements of the instruments.

Try at School

Step-Up School Event

Many schools that work with Meyer Music have an annual Step-Up instrument event. Contact your teacher to see if there’s an event planned for your student’s classroom.

At-School Individual Trial

If your school doesn’t have a Step-Up event, we can arrange for a Step-Up trumpet to be sent to your school for your student to try.

Please complete the following form and a Meyer team member will contact you to make further arrangements.

Please type full name as many schools share initials

Make the Selection

When your student knows the brand/model of trumpet they’d like to step up to, follow the next steps below based on whether you are:

Current Meyer Renters


Visit a Meyer location to complete the step-up exchange in-person.


Complete the following form and we will exchange your student’s current trumpet for the selected Step-Up model on our next visit to your school.

If it’s the summer months (or they’re too excited to wait!) please visit a Meyer location to exchange in-person.

Online Step-Up Exchange

Account Info

Number associated with your Meyer account
If known, otherwise leave blank
Enter which specific middle school or high school your student attends

Instrument Info

What instrument are you currently renting from Meyer that you wish to exchange?
If your student tried an instrument at school but they don't remember which, select UNSURE and we'll look it up for you.


Families not currently renting


Visit a Meyer location to complete the step-up rental or purchase in-person.


Give us a call or text to explore your options for online step-up rentals with free school delivery.